The CBI has opposed the bail plea of Vijay Mandal, one of the three suspects in the Aarushi-Hemraj murder case. The CBI on Thursday claimed in court that it has scientific evidence, but cannot reveal the contents of the case diary. This disclosure is significant, because the 14-day judicial custody of the two other suspects, Krishna and Raj Kumar, ends today. The CBI has to file its chargesheet within 90 days of Krishna's arrest, i.e. September 10. But so far it seems they do not have enough evidence against the accused. Aarushi Talwar was murdered on May 16. |
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Aarushi murder: CBI opposes Mandal's bail plea
Aarushi murder accused may be turned approver - CBI sources admit they have failed to unearth any material evidence in the double murder
CBI sources admit they have failed to unearth any material evidence in the double murder that took place at the home of 14-year-old Aarushi, daughter of a reputed doctor couple in Noida.
The CBI is thus trying to get one of the accused to turn approver so that the case does not fall flat in the court.
“At present, there is no progress in terms of material evidence. We have the confessions of the accused in the form of the narco-analysis tests. So we are working (to see) if one of the accused agrees to turn approver as the chargesheet needs to be filed soon,” a CBI officer said.
An approver will admit his involvement in the murders along with the other accused. In lieu of this, the CBI will ask the court to be lenient while handing out punishment to him.
Aarushi was found killed with her throat slit May 16. The Noida police initially blamed family help Hemraj but backtracked after his body too was found a day later on the terrace of the apartment.
On July 11, CBI director Arun Kumar gave a clean chit to the girl’s dentist father Rajesh Talwar and accused his medical assistant Krishna and two others, Raj Kumar and Vijay Mandal, on the basis of narco analysis tests.